Developed by Order N Development for Prolific Publishing, Inc.
Windows versions developed by Prolific Publishing, Inc.

SereneScreen Marine Aquarium 3
Marine Aquarium is the popular screensaver featuring thirty exotic saltwater fish including the achilles tang, clown triggerfish, lionfish, seastar, and three stripe damselfish.
The marine life in this virtual aquarium is so vibrant you won't believe your eyes. The latest version of this 3D aquarium, designed for today's high resolution monitors, has animated invertebrates and indescribable realism.
- Realistic fish behavior
- High-definition 3D fish tank
- Up to thirty fish in one tank at once
- Support for multiple monitors
- Integration with iTunes (Mac only)
What the reviewers are saying...
"The Order N Development team did an amazing job of bringing the SereneScreen Marine Aquarium to the Mac. Even at Beta, the product was the most solid of anything I have ever worked on." —Baron R.K. Von Wolfsheild, CTO Prolific Publishing, Inc.